jueves, 7 de junio de 2012
My favourite blog of my class!
I love your blog!!
You are very original and very funny :)
So I want to give you a prize!!!!
martes, 5 de junio de 2012
My best post in he blog!
It is also my faborita because is the most like me to do and at the same time more difficult.
domingo, 3 de junio de 2012
Goodbye Friends!
Good and thought that this blog deserves a good farewell!
Probably hang a few more things before the end of the course .. but I do the same!
A one year was excellent by all my classmates and my teachers!
Next year I'll miss all this ...
This work, we have to levy video we carry so many problems, homework, tests ... haha! Have hours really, thank you very much for everything and we will soon!
Goodbye my beloved blog! <3
3rd term, my-world
A great day in the field of Barça!
I don't attach much importance to football, but my cousin invited me to see Barça and I accepte.
When I was there, I was excited to see how big it was no longer remembered from the previous times I went.
I really liked, I'd go big!
It made me very happy when players approached me as I was in the fourth row.
Xabi just miss that day, is one of my favorite part of Mesi! It was all great, I did have a big :)
3rd term, my-world
My favourites ads!
-My favourite soap is "Los Protegidos", because it is very funny, cool, popular and interesting!
-My favourite film is "The Hunger Games". But the book is better than the film.
-My favourite drama is "Gossip Girl", because it is about adolescent girls.
-My fabourite cartoon is " The Simpsons", it is very funny!
3rd term, my-world
Justin bieber
Justin Bieber, a year ago under much I was crazy about, I kept listening to their songs, went to his concert, looked at his photos, even when you miss me angry girlfriend "Selena Gomez".
Now think, how could I be so young! I may like Justin Bieber but neither should I like to obsess. Until one day, out of the blue I forgot about it. Later I thought of all those people who told me that Justin Bieber would last only a while, I got angry and defended to the death!
Not that I do not like, if you'll buy me some disk or makes any concert will go, but I am not as crazy as before, because just thinking about it I turn red!
My Future

3rd term, my-world
The Hunger Games
Here I leave the trailer for the movie more emotional this year:
One and a half ago I started to read books, never before had read something if it was not for school. The first book I read I was hungry games, fascinated me, I liked it so much I continued with the second, called In Flames, then the third, Sinsajo.
3rd term, my-world
My best experiences in Italy
Book versus Film
The main difference i have the book the movie is that they are at different times.
The film is more modern, i respresenta that history happens in a city while the book goes into a time more ancient.
The dress of the book is very old, while in the movie is more modern.
To fight in the movie guns i use other modern weapons, whereas in the book use swords ...
The book, before Romeo kills Paris dies the future husband of Juliet, but in the movie that does not happen.
Generally, it has been very well both the book and the movie but I have to say that the movie is great! I also Leonardo Dicaprio is Leoanrdo Dicaprio! hahahaaha
3rd term
domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012
3rd term
Tourist interviews
1. Where are you from?
We are from France.
2. Are you on holidays here? Are you having a good time?
Just the weekend.
3. Why did you choose Catalonia for your holidays?
Because is not very far from where we live.
4.Where are you staying?
In Hotel, Duran.
5. Are you with a grup? How many people are you with?
No just with my hasband.
6. How long are you staying in Catalonia/Spain?
3das, this time.
7. Do you speak Spanish/Catalan?
8. Do you think people here speak good english?
9. Have you visited other places in Catalonia/Spain?
A lot of places.
10. Which place did you like best?
Littel village called Besalu.
11. Which didn't you like so much?
The shopping girls from the crossroads, it is very sad.
12. What do you think of the Dali museum?
Lovely, and very fun.
13. Do you like Catalan/Spanish food?
14. Have you bought any souvenirs?
Maybe not this time last year.
15. Are Catalan/Spanish friendly in your opinion.
Yes, I think.
16. Would you like to come back again?
Oh, yes!
martes, 24 de abril de 2012
Description podcast
This picture is the carnival of l'Escala.
From right to left there are: Marcel, me, Andreu, Jordi, Josep, my best friend Julia, Pau, Edu,Ricard and Josep Bage.
In this photo, there is a float.
This float is made of iron bars on the sides because it represents a prison, and we are thieves.
Biside the float it was full of people in disguises.
This float is very beautiful because my best friends and me devoted a long time.
I like it, because I am very happy!
This carnival was the best of my life! :)
lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012
I love beautiful!
My friends and I spent a lot of time working hard to get a nice float for the carnival. Finally did it, i of course, thoroughly enjoyed it. First we went to the afternoon rua de Sant Pere Pescador, and then at night. The next morning all dead of sleep, we went to L'Escala. The following week, nor quedava short, on Friday i went to Empuriabrava carnival on Saturday to Castelló d'empúries.
My favorite series!

Self- evaluation of your oral presentation:
IES Castelló d'Empúries- English
1- Watch your presentation and answer the following questions.
Presentation 10% | Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...? Are there just key words to explain your message? | 8 |
Body language & eye contact 10% | Are you looking at your audience most of the time? Are you reading occasionally from your notes ? | 6 |
Structure 10% | Do you organize your ideas in order of importance (chronological order), with different parts? | 9 |
Content 40% | Do you introduce new information to your audience? Is your information detailed and comprehensible? Do you give/show examples? | 8 |
Language 20% | Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class) Is your vocabulary rich, varied with linkers ( and, but, also, although...) | 7 |
Pronunciation & Intonation 10% | Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Dou you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? | 6 |
Self-Evaluation | You are your teacher! :-) FINAL MARK: | 6 |
2- Think :-) : What have you done well ? What do you need to improve?
I need to improve pronunciation, and vocabulary but also above all to strive more.
My experiences!
- My favorite was to record a song in a study of taxation. It was great! At first I was very nervous, because I was ashamed to sing, but then was great.
-Christmas 2011, because I went to Disney Land with the whole family, it was great!

- Carnival 2012, this carnival has been great, the best of my life! My friends are the best i know to have fun.
martes, 7 de febrero de 2012
Love story
This song, is incredible!
I love the song!
The two had been together for a while but they broke up.
Now the boy has found love and beauty in another person, the girl hopes that everything goes very well with the other person and hopes to find a person like him.
martes, 17 de enero de 2012
New Year's resolutions

In 2012, my proposites are we:
-I will pass the senior year in high school.
-I will be happier.
-I will like the discografic answer yes to my CD.
-I will get thinner.
-I will be a singer.
-I will get along well with my parents.
-I will be a better person.
-I will find a person who likes me.
-I will have more friends.
-I will have the best carnival in my life.
-I will go to Justin Bieber's concert.
My resolution more probable, is I will be thinner because is my first wish and I am very inspired or I will pass the senior year in high school because I am now working more.
The least probable is I will be a singer but I like it the most.